Friday, October 9, 2015

A Guru Story

This incident happened a few years ago in my life. I suddenly found myself amidst a big financial problem. It was partly due to my ignorance about certain rules and regulations. A big amount was at stake. It happened all of a sudden and I was so shocked, startled and shaken. The problem seemed so big and there seemed to be no way out of it. Even if there is a way out, the chances were very less and it could take few years of fighting and negotiating.

It felt as if the hands were tied up and we had to live through uncertainty of things for along time with the end no where in sight.

I had the opportunity to meet my Guruji His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. I wrote in a piece of paper to help me out of the problem and managed to give it to him.

From that moment over several months, the problem very slowly subsided inch by inch and at last, after an year, there was light at the end of the tunnel. It was such a big relief. It felt as if a huge burden was lifted off the back.

During this time, I met a famous astroger Mr. Manikandan (Mani Uncle). He is father-in-law of Ram Nambiar, who is a very nice Art of Living teacher and a friend. He was able to say a lot of things just by looking at our chart. He even guided me as when to make certain moves. It was a blessing that I met Mani Uncle, some one who helped me with love and care without expecting anything in return. He was God sent to me.

Cristinga Giner is a wonderful attorney. She is very honest, has in-depth knowledge, sincere and kind hearted. It was by God's grace that I met her. She skilfully help me out of this ordeal.

I learned to chant Vishnu Sahasranamam from a wonderful friend in Art of Living, Tara Raghu. I used to chant it almost everyday those times which gave me hope and courage to go though the situation. It was Karthika Ramki who pulled me into this class.

So grateful for Guruji His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and the Art of Living Family he has given us!!!

Jai Gurudev!!!

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